Second Meeting of Board of Governors 2024-26 of the HKBU Foundation

05 June 2024
 (Front row from left) Mrs. Mary Suen, Dr. Elizabeth Law, Prof. Justin Chiu, Dr. Kennedy Wong,
Prof. Alex Wai, Dr. Stanley Yim, Dr. Liu Chak Wan and Dr. Eric Li
(Back row from left) Dr. Chloe Suen, Prof. Sunny Wong, Prof. William Leung, Ms. Christine Chow,
Mrs. Lily Chan, Dr. Melanie Lee and Mr. Adonis Lee

The Board of Governors 2024-26 of the HKBU Foundation held its second meeting in hybrid mode on 5 June 2024, presided over by its Chairman, Dr. the Hon. Kennedy Wong, BBS, JP.

In the meeting, Professor Alex Wai, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKBU, gave an update on the University’s latest developments. He shared that two translational research projects of the University had been awarded funding from the Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One-plus (RAISe+) Scheme under the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government. He said the award demonstrated the University’s commitment to advancing cutting-edge research and knowledge transfer for the betterment of society.

Members also discussed the fundraising strategies and reviewed the financial status of the HKBU Foundation. Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation, highlighted the upcoming celebratory activities for the 15th Anniversary of the HKBU Foundation.

 (Clockwise from left top) Prof. Moses Cheng, Dr. Wilfred Wong, Mr. Kevin Liem and Mr. Ivan Wong join the meeting online